Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Let the Games Begin....sigh...

Let the Games Begin....sigh...

Posted Sep 24, 2010 2:01am
Here’s a scenario for you: Phil has surgery. He can’t eat by himself anymore. He can’t draw very well in his chair anymore. He can’t lean over and retrieve his legos from more than a few inches away anymore. He can’t itch his legs or nose anymore. The medical people write up orders for Occupational Therapy (O.T.). These wonderful people help you with all of the above, and figuring out how to function with daily cares, and mundane little things like using cutlery and the toilet. (Not at the same time, of course).

But word has it that Phil is not eligible for this service. Of course no one knows why. No one knows just where the buck stopped, and why it has become the hot potato.

Well, what system that is even remotely functional refuses therapy for a kid in Phil’s situation? Ah-ha…it’s the “They” people…the abstract “They”, who from behind an Oz-ian curtain somewhere issue directives of service…or not. Who must lie awake at night thinking of ways in which they can stymie the progress of individuals afflicted with handicaps. Yeah…THEM.

So today, I set out in quest of “THEY”. I started with my Ombudsman, and was tossed about to and fro in the communication system somewhere in Madison, I suppose. The long and the short of it is that the Great State of Wisconsin never received the Holy Preauthorization to either sanction or shitcan. I was assured that should he have been denied this service, I would have gotten a letter stating why. So this version of THEY suggested I go back to the origin of the prescription and follow it back up the yellow brick road, and try to find out which field of poppies it might have fallen asleep in.

As if I don’t have enough to do…

Kudos to Phil’s teachers and school therapists who are coming to bat with me on this. These folks are the true definition of “No Child Left Behind” – in which case it’s not about the money or the statistics, it’s about Phil learning to function again….NOW, not after some grievance procedure has been put into place. Stay tuned for the next episode of “Therapy, therapy, who’s providing the therapy”…

After spending the morning hissing and spitting between calls and trying to maintain a polite and professional demeanor on the telephone, we decided that a walk about town was a great idea. Phil enjoyed the fresh air, but not the bumps on the sidewalk at all! We probably overshot our goal today, and even Sparky needed to ride the rest of the way home on Phil’s lap, but the change of scenery did us all some good!

Tomorrow we will probably take the bandages off for the last time before we let his back get some air. It has healed up beautifully so far, and Phil really wanted us to post the picture we did tonight. Hell-of-a keepsake for him, don’tcha think? Easily as cool as any tattoo!

I’m also posting a link for those with a stronger stomach and medical disposition. If anyone thinks that this kid was just to the doctor for a boil on his butt, I think I will have to sit them down and let them have a look-see at the pictures of spinal fusion. The person in the picture could very well have been Phil. Again…VERY GRAPHIC photos. You’ve been warned…but I know most folks are curious, and really do want to know….even if it freaks them out. Nature of the beast, I guess. Copy and paste:


Well, it’s almost 1:00 a.m. and Phil is still awake, but me…not so much. Scattered thoughts here – but I’m working on getting a handle on all of them, and getting them into their own brain space. One thing at a time…one day at a time. Say…there’s a good thought! On that note, I’m going to retire…Thank you again for your continued thoughts on Phil’s behalf!

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